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Crystallized Waterproofing Material
Cement Based
Crystallized Waterproofing Material

It is a cement-based, single-component, crystalline waterproofing material that is applied to concrete surfaces, reacts with water to form a crystalline structure, and is resistant to negative and positive water pressure.

usage areas
It is used for waterproofing purposes on foundation and basement walls, elevator shafts, swimming pools, wet areas such as bathrooms, toilets and kitchens, and water tanks, provided that they are covered.

It is easy to prepare and apply. After curing, it is resistant to frost, water and harsh weather conditions. It can be applied by brush, roller or spray machine. It penetrates into the concrete and fills the capillary gaps and shrinkage cracks (up to 0.4 mm) by forming crystals and provides waterproofing. It is resistant to positive and negative water pressure.

The application surface must be clean and free of loose surfaces and dust that may prevent adhesion. Damaged surfaces, cracks and fractures should be corrected 24 hours beforehand with NESCOAT THIN REPAIR MORTAR and NESCOAT THICK REPAIR MORTAR and corners should be chamfered. The surface must be thoroughly saturated with water before applying the mortar, but the surface must remain moist, not wet, throughout the application.

25 kg of NESCOAT CRYSTALIZED WATERPROOFING MATERIAL is slowly poured into 7 liters of water at an ambient temperature between +5°C and +35°C and mixed with a low speed mixer (400-600 rpm) until a homogeneous mixture is obtained. After the prepared mortar rests for 5-10 minutes, it is mixed for another 1-2 minutes before application. The mortar is applied in 2 or 3 layers to the pre-moistened surface with a stiff bristle brush or roller. Depending on the temperature, 5-6 hours should be waited between coats, and the next coat should be applied when it reaches sufficient hardness without losing the moisture of the lower coat. The prepared mortar should be consumed within 20 minutes. The brush direction on each layer should be perpendicular to each other. The applied surfaces should be kept moist for 7 days (pressurized water should not be applied) and protected from direct sunlight, wind and frost, and a topcoat should be applied at the end of this period.

It is a 25 kg kraft bag. (PE reinforced)
64 bags with shrink wrap on a pallet (106×106 cm).

It should be placed in its unopened original packaging, in a cool and dry environment, with a maximum of 2 pallets on top of each other. Shelf life is 12 months from the production date under appropriate storage conditions.